I have been negligent over the last couple of weeks about updating the blog. So let me remedy that. We have data syncing from iBank to the phone working. We have the database and code to access it in place. We have some placeholder screens to display and manipulate data. All and all, I think we have made a lot of progress, and I hope to have more to share soon.
Now, let me try to answer some of the questions that people have raised. A lot of you have expressed excitement about iBank on the iPhone, however some have raised concerns that the iPhone is taking away resources from our other products. Let me just say that, there is no need for concern. We have added resources to the company (me) in order to do iBank on the phone and when that is done I will be working on our existing Mac products. We did not take any resources away from our current products. In fact when this product ships we will have more resources than ever working on iBank and iBiz for the Mac.
We have gotten a lot of great feedback about what people want in a handheld finical manager. Here is what we are trying to solve for. We want to be able to very quickly enter transactions on the go. We want to show an overview or peoples finance so that they can answer questions like, “can I afford to eat out tonight”? We know that a good mobile app needs to be very responsive and this should be no different. People should be able to launch the app and get what they need in under 30 seconds. Finally, we would like to have multiple family members have access to the same iBank data so that they can all enter transactions. Please note this is not a list of features that we promise to deliver. This is what we are striving for.
I hope this update helps to know where we are and what we are thinking. Please give us any feedback you have. It really helps us prioritize what we are doing.
- Direct Access 2 and Open Banking Support in the UK and EU - February 17, 2021
- A chunk of sync update - June 27, 2014
- 2013 In Review - December 17, 2013
Nice update. It’s great to here your goals for the iPhone app. If you pull all that off iBank will be the best finance app out there. Can’t wait.
Glad to get updated info on your plans. My main feature request (and it has been mentioned in prior posts) is non-MobileMe syncing. I have yet to see a compelling reason to purchase MM (though iBank integration might be it :-), and the ability to have access to my accounts on an iPhone is very appealing.
Ditto @ Jacob.
I’ll third the comments above!! I really hope its worth the wait.
This is great news, I’m really looking forward to iBank on my iPod Touch. Basically, I’d like to be able to enter and view transactions, and edit and check my budget the same as I would on my Mac. And, I’d like to be able to sync both my computer and my iPod Touch without Mobile Me. I really don’t want anything crazy, just basic functionality; something that works, like iBank on my computer.
Looking forward to iBank on my iPhone, but really desperate to find out news about iBiz 4. Will there be a blog update soon on iBiz?
Just bought ibank this morning ,can’t wait to use it specially if it is possible to use iphone but the reason I purchased it is the fact the Ibank handle various currency,as an airline pilot I always travel the world and keeping track of one’s account accurately isn’t that easy.
I’ll keep you posted!!!!!
I wanted to pick up on your comment about multiple family members – absolutely! I run iBank mainly for our household finances and it would be great if my wife could enter stuff from her mac or iphone rather than have to use mine – or hand me a bunch of receipts.
Kep up the good work and please give us an idea of when we get to see the iphone app.
I’m happy to have found this blog. I’ve been using iBank (v2) since Feb 08. I’m contemplating moving up to v3 in the new year.
Is it possible to put an RSS feed on this blog. I’d love to follow this in my Google Reader?
Thanks for your consideration.
I believe you can use this address for the RSS feed, feed://www.iggsoftware.com/blog/?feed=rss2
Happy New Year IGG,
This is great news indeed. I’m new to the iPod Touch family and the first thing I looked for was a tie-in to iBank, especially with device syncing. I’m still on iBank v2 (because I’m on Tiger) but I’m nevertheless looking forward to the iPhone/Touch app, it will definitely be part of my upgrade path for this year.
Best wishes,
Having iBank on the iPhone would be great! I have been trying to find the right iPhone app to send me the QIF file for import into iBank, however I’ve found because of apparent limitations on the iPhone, developers are unable to send attachments via an email export (QIF file, CSV file…etc).
In all of my research of these apps, I’ve seen three common ways to export this data
1) The developer creates his own third party email account (gmail account for example) and the phone sends the attachment through that account.
2) The developer sends the data as CSV, but in a text document that CAN be sent through the iphone mail app. However you’re required to convert the file to CSV to import into your desktop app.
3) The developer sends this info to an HTML page where you can open it in your browser on your desktop connecting to the IP addresss of the iPhone.
That’s my wordy preface to a simple question, heheh:
Is the app going to sync directly to the iBank software?
My biggest fear is my transaction data being handled by a third party ( like option one). I just want to be sure before I buy that the connection from my phone is direct to the iBank desktop software.
Thanks. Great work on iBank thus far! I look forward to seeing what progress you’re making.
I hope ibank will have a home screen which can have a To-Do list area for notes and upcoming transactions. Bank Account Balance, with investment snapshot, Budget projection. Very similar to a accounting program.
I understand the attraction of developing for the iphone; however my hopes are that you will allocate sufficient resources towards adding some of the long-requested basic functionality to the core product: iBank 3.
Umm…. an update on your progress would be appreciated.
Hey guys,
I have to say I was glad to read this. I stopped using iBank last year because my wife had more time to manage the finances, but I have taken it back over and was trying out some different things. Mint.com is where I landed until I couldn’t get a wide enough view of my situation (nothing before 30 days ago) so it was back to iBank.
All that to say, I would love to see more “overview” features, like you’ve mentioned, being able to see at a glance what the financial situation looks like. And I love the thought of having both my iPhone and my wife’s updated by iBank.
Keep up the good work!