At the risk of repeating myself: we are still hard at work finishing iBank Mobile. We’ve been polishing the interface and fixing a few last showstopper bugs before we go beta. Good thing we still have a sense of humor.
Last time I promised pictures, so without further ado, the Home Screen:
The concept is to provide a quick overview of your finances so you can make impromptu spending decisions (like, can I afford that TV… or in this economy, those Girl Scout cookies), and to give you a quick way to enter transactions on the go.
The screen is divided into two sections: the top provides information, and the bottom controls what information is shown. For example, you might display only the accounts you use for day-to-day decisions (so you don’t have to have your mortgage or 401K on this screen if you don’t want to). This example shows your current account balances and a graph of those balances over the last 12 months.
You’d return to this display from the highlighted “home” icon in the bottom area. If you tap on the “graph” button, you’d see a similar overview of the user’s spending. The big “plus” button is used to create a new transaction. The “wrench” button is used to access settings, and the “chasing arrows” button is used to initiate a sync. By touching areas in the display part of the screen you can drill down to get details.
Stay tuned… more screenshots coming soon.
- Direct Access 2 and Open Banking Support in the UK and EU - February 17, 2021
- A chunk of sync update - June 27, 2014
- 2013 In Review - December 17, 2013
Looks great. Simple and clean. I would love to see pictures of adding a transaction.
Very much looking forward to this one. Any word on how one can go about participating in a beta release.
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to more.
Excellent, that’s looking great. Been waiting for this one for a long time so I can get rid of the (frankly horrible) SplashMoney I’ve been forced to use whilst waiting for iBank,
Great. I too have been suffering with other products where the developers just don’t understand what a “must need” feature is. Mint does an excellent job but is lacking one critical feature and it looks as though they are refusing to supply it.
Looks great!!!
Any idea on the price tag for this app?
Please make it available worldwide, not US only!
If you need help for french localisation and beta testing, feel free to ask!!!
Looks great. I’d really like to see how the budget feature is integrated into the app.
I too would like to participate in the beta. Fwiw, I’ve got a dev account.
Well, I have to admit I gave up on you guys and I decided to go with Cha-Ching for Mac and Cha-Ching Touch… But after one day of usage I had to come back to iBank and seeing this screenshot. One thing that I hated about Cha-Ching was you had to manually go into your Cha-Ching app on the phone and mac and hit sync. PLEASE make it seamless syncing so that you dont have to have your phone on hand….
Thanks for a great desktop app and a future iphone app!
Ok… I’m getting excited about this. It’s looking great! Please keep the updates coming!
Looks good so far. Will the app also provide detail on a budget level basis? i.e. can I see how much money I have left in my budget for groceries or dining out.
This would be a useful feature as just knowing how much you have in an account doesn’t quite give you the full picture.
Thanks and keep up the great work.
Have you found any problems with the 3.0 OS?
I know soon is “soon.” But is soon more like 1 month,3 or 12? I’m using Cha-ching in the interim but would like to switch back to the raw horsepower of iBank. Thanks.
Another screenshot or two please!
Ok, I’m ready for the next peak!
Hi guy cant wait for it,as sync to iphone does not work for me.
Looks nice – a little jealous that the “net worth” balance over 12 months is on the iPhone, but never made it to iBank. It’s been requested on iBank since version 1.5!
PLEASE make sure the first release includes password protection! Thank you and can’t wait for the app to be generally available. I will get iBank for Mac and can then FINALLY get rid of my PC and Palm device with Pocket Quicken!
I love what I’m seeing so far on this application and cannot wait for it to come out. I do have a question though. I used to use microsoft money and ultrasoft money on my palm pilot before I switched to windows mobile and then to my iPhone. One of the features I used the most in ultrasoft for palm (windows version did not have this) was the ability to see my upcoming scheduled transactions on the go and to post those payments. I did my online banking (bill payment & marking transactions as cleared each day) from my work computer. Without that feature this software would only be 1/2 as useful as I know it could be. Is this possibly one of the features that will be included on this application?
Also, I too would love to be a beta tester if you need more volunteers. I have used demo versions of MANY mobile financial software applications for palm, windows & iPhone. None have been as useful and diverse as ultrasoft. I have since dumped the palm and even dumped my windows machine with microsoft money for an iPhone and ibank. I would love to have some of the features I used to use so much.