Today I’m happy to announce Banktivity 6, coming in Spring 2017.  Banktivity 6 delivers our customers’ most requested features, like Tags and Quick Reports, and introduces some new innovative features like Workspaces. Customers will also love our new Portfolio, Report Groups, and Find features. Banktivity 6 is for macOS Sierra only.

Starting today, anyone buying Banktivity 5 directly from IGG Software will get a free code to unlock Banktivity 6. Existing Banktivity 5 customers can upgrade to Banktivity 6 for $29.99. Regular pricing will be $64.99. All prices in USD. Unfortunately, due to limitations with the Mac App Store, we cannot offer upgrade pricing to customers that want to continue to purchase there.

UPDATE (May 1, 2017): Some of our customers have pointed out that the terms specified above were somewhat vague. To clarify, a free Banktivity 6 code was provided to anyone who purchased the full version of Banktivity 5 during the offer period, which ended with the official release of Banktivity 6 on April 25, 2017. The offer did not apply to upgrades from iBank 4 to Banktivity 5, but purchasing both upgrades (4 to 5 and 5 to 6) results in the same savings as the offer ($59.98 for Banktivity 6 instead of $64.99). We apologize for any confusion resulting from the above phrasing and thank you for your understanding.

Here is the full press release…

Banktivity 6


PUTNEY, VT, January 24, 2017 – IGG Software today announced a new version of its popular personal financial manager, Banktivity. The new version, Banktivity 6, has been designed from the ground up with customer productivity and enhanced features as the driving goals.

“Banktivity 6 is the biggest release in the history of the product,” said IGG President and founder Ian Gillespie. “The new version brings to the forefront your most important financial information, yet allows an amazing amount of customization so customers can see and organize their finances in a way that is helpful to them.”

Banktivity 6’s new features were driven by customer feedback, new technologies and a quest to provide the most comprehensive and easy to use financial manager for macOS.


Workspaces is a brand new feature that allows customers to put any account, budget, report or other view, side-by-side. This boosts productivity by allowing a customer to see several different parts of their finances next to each other. For example, users can put transactions for an account next to a budget to see how recent spending affects the budget.

“In particular I am struck by the extensive linking capabilities. The charts, the reports, the registers…it seems like everything is connected and available for drilling down or climbing up,” reported a Banktivity 6 beta tester.

The Workspaces feature is the first of its kind in a Mac personal finance software, offering the user an incredible amount of power and flexibility.


Tags allow users to see and analyze spending habits across categories. Now when a person goes on vacation and spends money on dining out, gas, air fare and hotels they can tag all those transactions as a “vacation.” Then later report on spending just for that vacation. This powerful new feature helps small business owners and individuals easily track any aspect of their income or spending.

Quick Reports

Quick Reports let users dive into their finances quickly and easily. Customers can select transactions and then quickly bring up a report based on the selection. Quick Reports will also allow users to drill down and get more details about their investments or more details on spending. For example, if a customer were wondering how much money was donated to a specific charity last year, a Banktivity 6 Quick Report answers that question with one click. Quick Reports can easily be saved for later with a quick drag to the sidebar.


Find is a new, fast and powerful, document-wide search feature. With Find, customers can search almost any part of any transaction within an entire Banktivity document. The transactions that match the search criteria are grouped by account which keeps them in context.  People can also edit and change transaction right from the Find screen.


Portfolio is a new feature in the sidebar that gives quick access to the performance of investments. Customers can customize it to show investments by account, type or risk factor. While the Portfolio view shows all of the high-level information needed like cost basis, value, gain/loss, security price and IRR, customers can get more detailed information by clicking on a security for a complete analysis of that holding. The new Portfolio features makes tracking the performance of investments effortless.

Additional Improvements

The entire user-interface was overhauled for Banktivity 6 to match the modern experience with macOS Sierra

“When we set out to work on Banktivity 6 we knew we had a great opportunity to redesign it, from the simplest list of transactions to introducing killer new features, like Workspace,” said Gillespie.

Banktivity 6 is the biggest release in the history of the product. Customers will find no pixel left unturned and will be treated to over 100 changes and enhancements, like a new transaction editor with improved keyboard support, new reconciliation process, a new summary view, improved transaction downloads, more flexible budgeting, easier in-app navigation, redesigned reports and more.

“In very simple terms, the app ticks all the boxes (and much more) PLUS with the ability to sync to the cloud, I am never far from my information via the iOS apps,” said J.W. a Banktivity 6 beta tester.

Banktivity also allows you to pay bills from within the app*, schedule transactions, setup budgets, track income, spending and savings rate and much more. Direct Access (purchased separately) and Direct Download allow customers to connect to over 10,000 different banks to download their financial data.

Pricing & Availability

Banktivity 6 will be released in spring of 2017 for $64.99 USD. Customers upgrading from version 5 purchased either directly from IGG Software or the Mac App Store will qualify for upgrade pricing of $29.99 USD. Banktivity 6 requires macOS 10.12 Sierra.

Customers who purchased Banktivity 5 from the IGG Store, after January 23, 2017 until the time of the release of Banktivity 6, will receive a free registration code to unlock Banktivity 6.

About IGG Software, Inc.

IGG Software, Inc. develops the Banktivity family of personal finance management solutions exclusively for macOS and iOS, including Banktivity for Mac, Banktivity for iPhone, and Banktivity for iPad. Founded in 2003, the Putney, Vt. based company is dedicated to creating intuitive, elegant and powerful applications, empowering users to budget better, save more, and invest to secure their financial future. To learn more, please visit or follow us on Twitter at @IGGsoftware.

*Bill Pay requires your bank to support Bill Pay via OFX/Direct Download. Banks may charge an additional fee for this.

Banktivity 6

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393 comments on “Banktivity 6 Coming Spring 2017!

  • BBVA compass updated last week and had complicated work around for quicken users. Needless to say my banktivity stopped working. Support didn’t help and I’m on vacation this week. Why would I upgrade if I’m still in same boat as quicken from years ago: having to find my own work around. The quicken user work around is described on compass website. No relief for me since interface is different. Banktivity support didn’t solve this issue. Am I the only one?

  • Glad to see a lot of much needed and much requested improvements coming in Ver 6. However, I did not see a genuine Cash Flow report in the list of improvements. This is a pretty essential tool for anyone who wants to actually track and manage the complete flow of money in their accounts.

      • Ian, a cash flow report is something I need and I now have to create it in Excel based on reports run in Banktivity. I am retired and manage cash flow rather than income. In my report, all my expenses are in the Uses of Cash section. Once I have completed my annual budget and know the cash I need, I now have to create a plan to generate that cash. Some of the Sources of Cash are Social Security, Pension Income, and Investment earnings such as dividends and interest. Other Sources of Cash are drawdowns on my IRA’s and 401k. Currently Banktivity sees those drawdowns as transfers between accounts and I have not found a way to reliably have them show up as income in an income based report.

        • Like your thinking on Cash Flow Randall, I am on the same boat being retired. A cash flow report that shows me my fluid position (ie do I generate enough cash on a month to month basis to fulfil my bills and what do I have left to discretionary spend). I tend to use a scratch pad on a month to month to month with the data available in Banktivity.

      • A bit more detail to add to my previous comment..

        The model I use is that I have two accounts – checking and savings – that I use to manage all expenses. All deposits into these accounts are Sources of Cash. All reductions in these accounts are Uses of Cash. A Cash Flow Report that let me designate base accounts and then follow the rule that increases are sources and reductions are uses would be 99% there. The only fly in the ointment is when my wife returns something for a refund. I would prefer that to be a reduction in Uses of Cash but my rule stated above would have that as a Source of Cash. Perhaps I would ask her to just keep it so my report won’t be messed up.

      • Actually, Ian, cash flow has a pretty specific meaning. Reporting it is also pretty straight forward and based on one of three activities: Income Activities, Financing Activities and Investing Activities.
        One of my biggest frustration with Quicken and the old Microsoft Money software is the difficulty and sometimes the inability to work with the precanned reporting structure within the software. I have found Banktivity somewhat easier but still plagued with limitations. That make it difficult to do custome reporting based on account structure and type of account.

        But I like the software better than I ever liked quicken.

  • I have one security in diferents brokers, can i see the consolidated position of the security in just one report ?

  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add standard calendar style date selection to the UI. Typing dates into Banktivity is exhausting. Thanks.

  • Looking Forward to the new release, BUT please listen to the comments regarding the transaction templates and Import rules, they are the most frustrating part of Banktivity as they are basically not user friendly unless you have a degree in computer programming! As a user we need to be able to modify the import rules as they capture very few if any transactions!!

    • Mike
      I share the same opinion… I have opened up a chat a couple times about this but still really confused….. I wish they could make a video tute on this.
      Grrrrrrrrrr I hate getting old !!!!!

      • Rules under Banktivity 5 are crucial, I waited almost 6 months to move to the new version (from 4 > 5) because the auto generated rules were posting my data incorrectly (partly due because of how my bank stamps transactions with date and time in description). Once I figured out the syntax I was able to edit the generated rule (duplicate it 12 times for each month) and now I have a fully automated posting without editing. I agree there should be an advanced tutorial in the manual that explains the logic and syntax of the rules.

  • I would like the ability to set a timer for the appearance of the new transactions icon next to the account name. I just don’t like them showing for so long.

    Also it would be nice to sync only selected accounts with iOS.

  • For a variety of reasons, I moved to Banktivity after using Quicken for Mac for 20 years. On the whole I am pleased. HOWEVER, their support is beyond poor. For one thing they WILL NOT use the phone, under any circumstances. Chat and email is all there is. Sometimes that may be fine, but often the process would be so far easier, quicker and more efficient using the phone. Too much otherwise gets lost in the translation. Three times also, I ‘ve needed to send them some data, with their promise to review and get back to me. Never happened. Finally, while attempting to “help” with another issue and taking hold of my computer, they somehow corrupted my BillPay which now no longer works At least I can still do it with my bank, but that creates duplicate work. SIX MONTHS have passed and their support has not done a single thing other than stoop to respond to chat requests. Won’t use the phone, won’t answer emails – not even snail mail. So know going in that support does not support.

  • Just saw the confirmation that version 6 will only work with Sierra. That’s a shame. I manage my business expenses + inventory on QB 2014, and they are not supporting the new OS (they are also discontinuing the product after the latest version, but that’s another story). Cost to upgrade to the latest version is $200.

    • To clarify, Intuit doesn’t have any upgrade pricing, which is probably one of the main reasons people have been leaving Quicken for Banktivity.

      • The main reason people are leaving Quicken is because they are moving to a subscription only product which effectively ‘dies’ when the subscription lapses. I am one of those leaving.

        I’m very pleased with Banktivity 5 and looking forward to 6 🙂

  • IGG Support has been wonderful. I’ve been using iBank since version 4 and it has gotten better with each release. I agree phone support would be nice, but I have always gotten fast, courteous and helpful responses over chat or email.

    Once it was able to import my Quicken transactions, I never looked back and have been very happy with the program. While not perfect yet, I am looking forward to version 6 to provide the rest of the features I’ve been waiting for.

  • Hello All,

    Will the new version have the facility to compare Income/Expenditure versus Budget within custom dates. For instance, at the moment I can check my performance against Budget over a week/month?quarter, but I cannot do so for Jan-May for instance or Year-to-date?

  • I didn’t read through the hundreds of comments, but I’d sure like to see a “Save A Copy As…” added.

    Currently, I save the document to its primary location and then “Save as…” to a backup drive.

    If I don’t re-save to the primary drive then Banktivity assumes the last save is the preferred file.


    • Indeed Buzzy , a simple backup command would be nice. I use Finder to make manual copies but it would be nice to just click on an icon and be assured that a backup is made were you have designated.

      • Hey Mario

        I actually store my file in Dropbox; which also means I can access on my Mac Mini or Macbook without using the Sync service

        • Hi Chris,

          I used Google Drive in Ibank4 and worked perfectly as you suggest; when I switched to Ibank5 I was getting issues. Tried Dropbox and Onedrive to host the file but was still getting errors when saving the file (this may have since been addressed). I am very satisfied with the Synch service but as Buzzy suggested a backup option should be available to send a copy where you want to for safe keep without having to worry about reopening your main file location

  • When I do a search from with a register, the Balance field shown is pretty much meaningless to me in that context. I’d rather see a running tally of the total. After all, when I do a search, I’m usually looking for something specific or a group of items. For the group, a quick total would be helpful.

  • This is great news. Always exciting to get a big update!

    I’ve been a customer for years. One aspect that I don’t understand is why there are so many differences between the desktop and two iOS apps. I totally get that the iOS apps are slimmer versions of the desktop app, but they could definitely be more cohesive. For example, I’d use the iPhone app 1000x more if it simply had the same transaction types as the desktop app. Where is POS? Online? (Withdrawal is not the same as POS.) And it would be awesome to include scheduled transactions in the iPhone app. Any plans to integrate? I know there are a ton of different user types, but these are my top gripes. Well, and the ability to edit multiple transactions. That would be super handy. Anyway, got off topic. Looking forward to v6! Congrats!

    • Spot on BJ, not to mention the issues with synching and the additional editing needed to get your desktop version like you want (like you I use POS a lot and Online a fair bit), I would also like to see the ability to generate your own txn types (eg APL for Applepay).

    • Once we release v6, we should be able to do a version that will bring over the transaction types if you sync. You can setup scheduled transactions in iPhone, it it does via the budget “assistant.” Makes sense to improve this too.

      • Excellent news about potentially syncing transaction types! Great to hear.

        I still don’t see how to create a scheduled transaction on iPhone. And the scheduled transactions that are on desktop have definitely not synced over to my phone. This speaks to the lack of cohesiveness I had mentioned. Just like there is a scheduled transactions section on desktop, it should also exist on the phone. And the scheduled transactions would sync both ways allowing you to edit them either on desktop or phone. Thanks for considering to improve it!

        I don’t mean to sound negative. I really have benefited from using the apps! I’m a web/UI designer/developer and work with UX quite a bit, so it comes naturally to notice these types of things. Just trying help out. I don’t mean to overstep.

        Thanks, Ian.

  • I moved to Banktivity a year ago after using Quicken since 1994. The annual upgrades that added no useful functionality and changed that changed familiar processes for no reason finally made me switch. I still use Quickbooks but hate that I have to run it on windows (using Parallels). Intuit has never been supportive of macs.
    One small frustration with Banktivity 5 has been the inability to send payments of more than $10,000. This was never a problem with Quicken and I am not sure why it has this restriction. I hope this has been removed in version 6?

    • The Bank Secrecy Act requires all financial institutions to report transactions of over $10,000 to the IRS. This is intended to help prevent Fraud, Monday Laundering and Terrorist Activities, among other things, but chiefly to deter tax evasion. Quicken may be in a position to monitor and report such transactions (if they go through their servers) whereas IGG may not. I don’t actually think Quicken DOES allow this. Many apps that transfer money have a $10,000 cap, simply do they don’t end up in a legal grey area for failing to report the transactions, especially if it looks like the payer is deliberately trying to make such a payment and avoid reporting them (i.e., multiple transactions of just under $10,000).

      • That is an interesting take on this issue Mark. however, surely it is the bank that reports transactions over $10,000, not the software company. I do know that Quicken does allow transactions over $10,000 (or at least they did when i last used it 12/16). Also, Quickbooks, which I still use, allows them.
        Thanks for the response!

        • A “payment of $10,000” would be a cash transaction, if it comes from or goes to a bank account. Any electronic transfer is a ‘cash’ transaction. We’re not just talking about guys walking into Swiss banks with suitcases of dollar bills.

          @RMG – both my Chase and Ally bank apps on my iPhone only allow maximum transfers of $10,000. So I could not transfer $15,000 from checking to MMK account within my Chase app, This is all about not having to report thousands of transactions daily unnecessarily.

          • Honest Mark… I mean just what I said. Cash only creates a Cash Transaction Report or CTR not a transfer of $10,001 or more by wire from one transfer to the other. This is basic stuff…. read the BSA. A wire transfer creates it’s own record and can be accounted for but cash does not so the Department of Treasury mandates FIs to document those transactions. There are further reporting requirements for suspicious activity and so on which might generate reporting as well.

  • Very exited to get the new Banktivity 6. I hope you will improve transferring money from an account in one currency to another in other currency. When you first enter the transaction it’s important to have the possibility to change the exchange currency manually.
    Also important when ever we enter a transaction for the calendar to display and pickup the date.
    It’s going to be possible to link with Bloomberg in order to have the bonds to update online ??

  • Mark, I think it’s important for you and your team to look at MS Money Plus and the way the calendar displays when you enter a transaction and the way you can transfer between accounts with different currency. VERY CONVENIENT and esa to work.

  • How long until the beta is available to start trying or even the full version to buy? So anxious to get switched and upgraded now!

  • Thanks for your continued improvements to Banktivity. I love the application and find it SOOOOOO much better than Quicken which I used before they ditched us Mac users. I am really looking forward to version 6. Keep up the good work!!

  • I really hope that you are bringing beefed up investment reporting and the ability to report capital gains in a different method other than FIFO. As a Canadian, we have average cost reporting for investment cost calculation, and it is the one thing that is keeping me in Quicken. Please tell me you finally incorporated this into the new Banktivity?

      • Seriously? US tax only, ignoring the rest of the civilized world 😉
        That is the ONLY reason I am still using Quicken …. and until you change this – I cannot fully move over. Come on! This has been a request already for several versions back.

  • I work with a number of accounts, after clicking the account open from the overview there is no indication on the page to which account I am looking at. I would like to have the account name obviously posted on the screen that I’m looking at.

  • I work with a number of accounts, some for business and some for home. I would like to be able to compare the totals for scheduled transactions for a particular account to the balance in that account. For example, If I have my home bills scheduled to be auto withdrawn from my home checking account, I want to be able to see the total of bills due compared to the balance in the account. This was a fantastic option in Quicken which I miss tremendously.

  • I am looking forward to version 6 – the reporting, especially, sounds excellent. I am also very hopeful that you have fixed an existing bug in that I cannot change the date of a scheduled transaction without screwing up subsequent instances. This has been around ever since the last “fix” of version 5.

    • + 1 for that Carl ! the most infuriating part of Banktivity 5. The Control Save option works some of the time but I have wasted so much time re-entering scheduled transactions that have skipped after the attempt to change the post date. It is going to be the FIRST thing I check in B6 !!

  • I currently use Quicken 2016 for Mac. I had used iBank for 2, 3, and 4. But certain changes in iBank 5 (later Banktivity) made the program significantly less user-friendly; thus the switch. I’d be interested in trying Banktivity 6 when it comes out. Will it be able to import data directly from a .QMTF or .QXF file, which are are the two types of files that Quicken 2016 for Mac exports?

  • I’m really looking forward to using all the new features in 6! Question: Import rules drive me crazy. I want to be able to turn them off by default, i.e. in Preferences. They just messed me up again today. I had a weird transaction a long time back that resulted in a transfer from my credit card to my checking (a deposit). Who knows why. Anyway, this month, the same company charged the same amount to my credit card. What happened? My checking showed a huge deposit in Banktivity. Not so in real life. This resulted in three overdrafts and about $50 in bank fees. Why? Banktivity created an import rule way back, and voila, erroneous deposit. Ouch. Please, oh please, for all that is Holy, allow users to disable (or turn off by default) import rules! I hope this is in 6.

    • yes Ted , i waited about 6 months to convert from Ibank 4 to Ibank 5 because these auto generated rules kept screwing up my downloads and had no option to revert. I have since mastered editing them and they work a treat now but there should be some tutorial on the syntax.

      • Hi Mario, I hear you, thanks. I do actually use them, but very carefully. Still, if I’m not watching, that little box gets checked and voila, rule created. It’s strange too, because the box does not get checked on a regular basis. It almost seems random. One time, it got checked on a CVS purchase with complex splits: prescriptions, home stuff, etc. The next CVS transaction got split up proportionally! That messed up reports until I finally figured out what happened. Scary.

  • I’m a long time user of iBank (since 2009). lately I have found version 5 to be buggy and slow. Maybe I have too many transactions in the setup? Regardless, I am debating doing an evaluation of Quicken vs Banktivity 6. Any updates on the release date? Will a demo or beta be available?

    • I have tried both. So easy has it’s advantages. While I love iBank, the major flaw is 2 items they really should fix before the next release. Both have to do with their Direct Access for the most part. There are some other items, but we can live with those for a while. first one is Direct Connect. This should be included with purchase and not an additional charge. Second is the way Direct Connect works with mobile apps. You should be able to only do Direct Connect on the Mac, but not do Direct Connect on mobile apps overtime when syncing. Thus should be something you can turn on and off. With regards to Quicken, I would say if they they are coming along quickly. When they support loans and and redo their mobile stuff, I can see them taking off in a couple of years really well. Both companies are working hard! I give credit to both, but for now, IGG has the better product.

  • First, will version 6 support online reconciliation? in other words, allow for balancing an account according to the bank’s balance. Secondly, will the new version allow for viewing just the current year transactions versus all years? Or better yet, create a year end file to start with a fresh look for a new calendar year?

    • That is a neat idea Stephen, I often wondered why the product had a manual reconciliation when it has all the data before it. As for the second idea I have learnt to appreciate the value of having all my data available (3.5 years to date) so I have mixed views about archiving now. The performance of the data file over time worries me. I understand V6 will support custom fiscal years so if I the YEAR register filter is resolved as Fiscal Year then I am happy.

  • Hello, does version 6 allow for customizing a register to add a column? I’m interested in adding the memo as a separate column. Thanks.

  • I have been using #KEYWORDS in the notes area of the B5 register, i found that a pseudo way of tagging transactions and finding them thru the Smart Account catch all. Will the conversion to Banktivity 6 recognise these as B6 tags ??

    • I have been doing the same. If B6 doses not recognize, then bulk edits from within the Smart Account should do. Not elegant, and certainly potentially time consuming, but unless IGG is aware of, advocated, or has recognized and incorporated the # syntax, not sure it will be part of B6. Hoping otherwise, of course.

  • OK, this is a minor thing but, for me, an annoyance: I find the date stamp that pops up in the middle of the screen when scrolling through the transaction register very distracting. Any way to move it to the side or give the user the option to toggle it?

  • I am an accountant and the Cash Flow Report is what I look at often. A simple model would be:

    Net Income & Loss + or –

    Credit Card:
    Purchases +
    Payments –

    Debt (Mortgage/LOC Etc.:
    Increase +
    Payment –

    Purchase –
    Sold +

    Other Liabilities:
    New +
    Paid Off –

    = Net Cash Increase/Decrease for the Period
    + Beginning Cash for the Period
    = Ending Cash for the Period


  • I’m new to Banktivity and I was wondering if I should go ahead and start with Banktivity 5 and then migrate to v6 when that comes out or if I should just wait and learn v6 when that’s released. I’d love to get started now! But I’d also like to tag all my transactions and make use of some of the new features. Any thoughts or recommendations would be great!



  • Hmm… somehow I think the ‘countdown’ timer for the beta version is linked to the user’s local clock rather than UTC. Yay/Ney?

    Mine is saying 7 hours to go which is midnight Tuesday my time (UTC +10), but I suspect it’s really a midnight release in Vermont which is UTC -4 – still 21 hours away.

    Countdown timers really should be UTC based – it’s a global market folks! On the plus side, I don’t have to worry about an early morning install. ?

    • I stand corrected – it seems to be available here now (4am). I’ll install it after my run. In parallel with v5 of course! ???

  • Got it loaded (Beta). Imported all the B5 data. Several pages of migration notes. Mostly ‘Changed Move Shares of’ to ‘Move Shares In/Out’. One report no longer supported. Looks like everything moved over ok. Some stock balances are off (have to look into this). Played with a few summaries and reports. Found ‘my tags’, converted easily to B6 tags, but not sure yet how best to remove mine from notes. One thing that will take some time (for me) to get used to use the new register look. I would like to be able to adjust column widths and change order. I’d also like tags in their own column instead of concatenated with Memo+Notes+Transaction Type. Which, to me, should have their own columns…..Lots of changes that are welcome and others that will take more exploring. 🙂

  • Ian and Banktivity team, outstanding job on Version 6. I installed it earlier today, imported my data from a local file (rather than the Cloud) and everything has gone very smoothly.

    The visuals, especially the fonts, are a welcome improvement. I also REALLY appreciate the YYUUGGEELLYY upgraded investment and portfolio reports. I have large 401K and Stock Option balances and the new reports really help.

    One change I would like to see is how Banktivity treats precious metals. They’re currently considered “Cash” (unless I’ve misread the manual and reports) and would like to see them under “Investments”. Is there a way to do this?

    Otherwise, outstanding job and anyone on the fence as to whether or not to upgrade: don’t give it a second thought.

  • Running the Beta and very impressed with the reporting and level of detail. BUT…. I have a major concern which hopefully is my lack of understanding !

    There does not seem to be an option to FIND items within PAYEES , SCHED TRANSC, IMPORT RULES etc. (as there is in B5) . The new Global Find command is great but only transaction based.

    Am I missing something. HELP !!!

  • Liking the beta so far and seems very stable. There are a few things I’m missing about the old version though – not sure if they’re tucked away somewhere.
    1) Mortgage Report – I like the ‘what if’ option which lets me know how extra payments will affect the duration of the loan. The old mortgage report gave me 3 scenarios with a break down of the monthly payments going forward for each. I can’t seem to access the break down of payments. Would be nice to save several ‘what if’s’ as well.
    2) I can’t seem to give categories a colour any more. I used to give salary a green background colour and it made it easy when scrolling through the register to see each pay period.
    3) Finally….and this is probably just something I need to adjust to. It isn’t as visually clear which payments occur in the future now. iBank 5 had a thatched pattern over the date box which made them stand out visually. I’m not sure the little star is as effective.

    These are my only gripes though. There are many many things it does better than iBank 5

      • Yeah I see the +. It’s just not as easy to see at a glance what the future transactions are in comparison to 5 in my opinion. Microsoft Money had this managed very simply. It just had a bold line in the register between todays date and future transactions.

    • Yes, I had several colors to help me quickly identify certain transactions. Also miss the total downloads bubble. Now each account has a bubble in the font when downloading (which I would prefer to be either justified right or left as it shifts the account name when present)….but a total is nice to have to quickly ascertain if there are new transactions. Very nice when you have many accounts.

  • Beta version looks great.
    HOWEVER, Direct Access is recording all my credit card charges as deposits. This makes my balance looks better, but unfortunately not real…
    Oh and it’s happening on Version 5 as well (different file) – what gives?? Have you changed something with Direct Access??

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