As many of our customers know, we have this great service called Direct Access. It allows customers to download  transactions automatically if their bank doesn’t support the OFX (aka Direct Connect) protocol. Needless to say, this service has been very popular amongst our customers. I personally use it for most of my accounts. Unfortunately, as… Read More

This  post is going to be pretty simple: I want to focus entirely on iBank for iPad. We released iBank for iPad almost two years ago. Since then it’s received major updates and got a complete UI overhaul for iOS 7. iBank for iPad is the most robust and full-featured financial app for iPad and… Read More

It’s rare for us to release a beta of our flagship product during a point release. But today we are doing so, and here’s why. iBank 5.1 adds a lot of great new features that you’ve been asking for. Some of those features (and bug fixes) affect the way that the app connects to banks.… Read More