The title says it all. As soon as we heard about iOS 7 at WWDC we knew we would need to overhaul our iOS apps. While I wish we could do everything at the same time, the truth is, we had to choose which app to update first and the answer was easy, iBank for… Read More

The other day I walked down my driveway to the mailbox. In amongst the typical flyers, credit card offers and other junk mail was the envelope I was looking for. It was addressed to me, from IGG Software. Through the plastic envelope window the type was neat and official looking. I figured this had to… Read More

In my previous post I went into some detail on the improvements we are making to budgets. In summary, we are allowing for users to set up for the most basic scenarios, while still providing ways to track more complex budgets. Past blog posts have also focused on how these changes are being integrated in iBank for… Read More