We’ve been getting lots of requests and comments about our forthcoming iBank for iPad app. I wish I were here to show screenshots and give a release date, but I’m not. However, I am here to talk about some features it will have, and what our guiding strategy has been during the development process. First,… Read More

People have been asking for some news about iBank for Mac. Let’s first start with what we’ve accomplished, albeit quietly, and then we can talk a little about what is still to come. iBank 4, which we released one year ago, was our most successful product launch, and the press and feedback on it have been… Read More

It’s official, iBank Investor is now in beta testing. Long past are the days of alphas and sneaky-previews; this app is getting ready for the big time. In my last post about iBank Investor I talked about the general workflow for adding securities and syncing with iBank. In this post I would like to talk to… Read More